Homelessness and poverty in the United States affect urban, suburban, and rural areas alike. The homeless population is diverse, including families, individuals, youth, and the elderly, with a range of complex factors contributing to their circumstances.
Caroline County is no different than the rest of America; the difference is that Caroline County has His Hope Ministries willing to intervene and serve those in need no matter what their life story may be.
We pride ourselves on serving the vulnerable families facing homelessness.
His Hope Ministries helps families, individuals, youth, and elderly fight homelessness, hunger, and potential homelessness. We work towards a place where all people have access to quality housing, nutritious food, and opportunities to thrive. We are committed to working with compassion, integrity, accountability, creativity and an anti-oppression approach treating others with honor, dignity and respect to end homelessness and hunger. His Hope Ministries reduces homelessness and enables families to live in safe, secure, and healthy stable housing environments by connecting everyone entering any of our programs with a Client Manager. This person helps identify and acquire the right mix of resources to assist in aligning goals and promoting a robust pathway to move beyond the client's crisis situation into self-sufficiency and family success.
We also provide essential Human Resources such as shelter, food, hygiene products, clothing, soft and life skills training to families experiencing a housing crisis. We have two locations in Denton Maryland and have been in operation since 2011. We are a humanitarian 501(c)(3) nonprofit and operate all of our programs relying on tax-deductible donations. The programs we offer helps us be God's hands and feet and show God's grace through love and compassion when folks need it the most while giving families hope and an opportunity to regain their strength and stability.
This count is made up of: 35% female, 28% male, 14% unaccompanied youth, 33% under 18, 22% age 18-34, 25% age 35-54, 3% age 55+, 8%
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Connecting folks in need to many resources
To appointments, medical, housing opportunities, resource center, and/or shelter
His Hope Ministries
105 Gay Street, Denton, Maryland 21629, United States